Initially envisioned by SKSPS, Radha Govind Public School, was further established as part of the RGGI family, in the year 2012, as a learning centre that is committed to carve out for our country, citizens who will be both responsible, productive, and global at the same time. We realize the immense responsibility of grooming the children entrusted to us in shaping them into elegant citizens.
The ideal of all education, all training must result in Man-Making. The end and aim of all training is to make a man grow. The man who influences his fellow beings is a dynamo of power that is when he is ready to do anything and everything he likes; that personality put upon man will have tremendous impact on self and society. It is that man who lives, moves and works; it is that man who influences moves his fellow beings and passes out and his intellect, books and works are but traces left behind.
I also believe that “Education” must help us manifest the infinite knowledge within. No knowledge comes from outside. It is all inside. What a man learns is really what he discovers from a mine of infinite knowledge. All powers are within. Man manifests knowledge and discovers it within himself which is pre-existing through eternity. The work of a teacher is to unveil that which is already existing by facilitating and helping the student to concentrate and identity the knowledge and the power. A continuous struggle, a constant fight and an unremitting grappling will ultimately result in the victory of every student. The student who sets out with such a spirit of perseverance will surely find success.
Seventeen years back as I started slowly building these Radha Govind Group of Institutions, out of which this, Radha Govind Public School is my latest addition and my contribution to the society of Meerut and by and large to the nation and to the world, my focus and aim of producing good human beings thoroughly developed, personalitywise has not been lost. My commitment to the society to send out finely polished and chiselled human beings with immense power and energy capable of propelling and giving a positive direction to the nation and the whole world is not only my promise but also my dream. I yearn for its realization through these young minds of Radha Govind Public School inmates.
The whole of that big Banyan tree which covers acres of ground was in the little seed which was perhaps no bigger than one eight of a mustard seed. All that mass of energy was confined in a seed, waiting… waiting to manifest into a gigantic power of consciousness and intellect. Pure; unselfish and transparent as a glass, a light shining and showing path to many.
May your journey with Radha Govind Public School be wonderful, marvellous, thought-provoking, experiential, leading to a satisfying and successful journey.
Radha Govind Public School an infant at its growth was established in the year 2012 with an idea and aim of imparting holistic education to all strata of the society. The education here is totally child-centred and friendly and contributes to the metamorphosis of each and every individual right from day one of admission. The school believes that Education is not the amount of information that is put into the brain of a child which goes undigested all its life. It must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of thoughts and ideas. Just as truth can never be understood until one experiences it, education has no valve unless it results in good character formation, strengthens one’s mind and expands the intellect by which one can stand on ones own feet.
The ultimate aim of education is to help each and every student to equip themselves with the struggle of life, strengthen their character inculcate a spirit of philanthropy and be courageous. The Central Board of Secondary Education constantly updates, improves and incorporates innovative schemes in school curriculum leaving far behind the method of rote-learning. Analytical skills, ability to apply basic concepts of different subjects, solve application based problems, comprehend and analyze written texts, have a paradigm shift using ‘High Order Thinking Skills’, develop excellent communication skills are key factors that contribute to ones’ success in higher studies and professional areas. These dimension of 21st century life skills promise and assist learners in acquiring the requisite parameters in competing with national and international levels.
Contact Details:
Radha Govind Public School
Anuyogipuram, Garh Road,
Post Medical, Meerut Pin-250004
Phone:9760016296 / 8474900044 / 8445346674
Website: www.rgps.edu.in