The Millenniam School -

It identifies the specific skill set of every child and helps e. ... The Millennium School is proud to win the Best K12 School Chain (National) Award.Its provide the best facilities to the children and various activities, like dancing , swimming ,cricket,singing etc.

The Millennium Learning System (MLS) is an age appropriate learning system that caters to the psychological, emotional and cognitive needs of the learner.Every tangible for MLS has been developed at the Research and Development Division of Education Quality Foundation of India, with a focused outcome in mind. This outcome is clearly understood through our vision for every child who enters the system. Age appropriate, psychologically mapped and pedagogically apt tangibles are used at every level of the Millennium Learning System. Some of these are the books.this school  provide personalize dictionary concept books, project books, follow up journals, apprentice manuals, explorer’s quest and portfolios are all designed to help in the process of building relevant skills. Learners’ creativity, data handling skills and presentation skills are automatically built along with social and emotional skills as they learn through collaboration and peer interaction.

Vidya Global School -

We at Vidya Global School understand the learning dimensions and our teaching is synthesized to maintain a balance in learning, thereby creating better ...A premiere International Day & Residential School offering the International Baccalaureate.Vidya Global School for CBSE and IB. ... Vidya Global School, Meerut, India. 
This school is an excellent World Class Setup that aims to remodel education in the belt of Western UP.A decade old organization excelling in cultivating minds with founders being one of the prominent education publishers in the industry.International Baccalaureate & CBSE both and spanning to the Professional world of Engineering, Management, Fashion and other associated courses.its gives new path and ways to the Child.create new ideas for make easy education system.

BNG International school-

Bng International School in Meerut City, Meerut is a top company in the category CBSE Schools, also known for Schools, International Schools and much more.this school provide to the children best Computer center, Smart classes,Students' seminar etc.

The School is situated 1.5 KM . At BNG, we want to create an atmosphere of warmth & friendliness in which students would be able to grow and bloom. BNG provides specialize education in many different spheres. The greatest strengths of the school spin from the quality of the human relationships brought the community and the sense of companionship. We aim to blend the innovative, ancient and modern trends. Campus has been designed to provide finest education facilities and other activities to bring about an overall development. this is a top school in a Meerut .
it is very suitable for children's future.

The Adhyyan school-

Adhyyan School is build on a solid foundation of traditional values and blessings from the elders.The Adhyyan school is a CBSE school .The Adhyyan School in Meerut City, Meerut is a top company in the category . This School is  provide the various facilities like a library ,laboratories ,cafeteria,play field etc

The Adhyyan School is build on a solid foundation of traditional values and blessings from the elders. TAS aims at enriching the lives of its students’, their families and community through dedication to principles of Learning, Discipline, Service and Education with Values.Our mission is to provide our children (students) information that is honest, thorough and balanced. Diverse seeks to be a catalyst for change, and our ultimate objective is to contribute to the building of educational, cultural & social structures that will allow every individual to achieve his or her full human potential and contribute to the greater good of the society and the nation.

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